Thursday, August 23, 2007

Sunday ramblings.

Sundays have always been a special day in our home. I've been thinking lately how Sunday now seems like any other day of the week to most people in the current culture. I'd wanted to begin this new blog last Sunday, but couldn't figure out if I could make another account under my first blog, "houseofhouben", or had to begin a brand new blog. I figured it out tonight, so this is my first post.

We attend a large church near our home. We've been going there for one year now, and it's so huge I still haven't made any new friends. We love the pastor's sermons, though, and lately they've really been a help to me, so I thought I'd post a few of his main thoughts each week so I don't forget them. I doubt if anyone will ever read these pages, but just in case you've rambled by, I hope the thoughts help you in your spiritual walk as much as they've helped me.

1 comment:

Linda said... is Sunday and I am checking for an entry of inspiration...but it is apparently lost!! LOL I love the picture of your flowers on the title page, they are just awesome!