Sunday, September 2, 2007

A lamp to my feet

The message in church today was about the Bible. The minister spoke about Psalm 119, and how it's a celebration of God's word. Usually our Bibles sit neglected on a shelf, used only in emergency. He had really good, clear points. He also reminded us of the fact that we memorize a lot of scripture when we're young, and say we can't do it when we're adults because our memory isn't any good. That isn't true, as we know a lot of useless facts! It's all in how we memorize.

He said if we spend a lot of time reading God's word, it will become easier to memorize it. We need to listen to more of what God is saying through His word, and depend less on what other people say about it. Psalm 119 shows us what to expect from the Bible:

Verse 103: Food to make you strong.
Verse 5-6: A mirror to keep you honest.
Verse 14: Gold to make you rich.
Verse 105: A light to guide your path.
Verse 130: "The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple."

To get the most out of the Bible:

Verse 12: Pray for insight.
Verse 15: Think about it regularly.
Verse 172: Declare it to others.

It was an interesting sermon. I need to heed it!

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